Sunday, 28 July 2013

Mission accomplished

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I just wrote the final words of my Camp Nano novel! After 28 days of writing, planning and editing I have reached the finishing line three days early. Alas, the novel is not actually finished. There's so much that's still supposed to happen, so much that has been left unsaid/unwritten.

But for now, I'm done, I'm going on holiday. And when I return with new energy and new ideas, I might just continue writing, until the novel is actually finished. The other possibility is that I will take part in the big brother of Camp Nano, the National Novel Writing Month this november.

If you haven't read it yet, ask away and I will provide you with the twelve chapters that I have written this July.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


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As you will know from reading earlier posts on this blog, I am currently taking part in the international project Camp Nanowrimo, which means I'm trying to write an entire novel (50,000 words minimum) in one month. Now that a third of the month is over, I am looking for your participation. I'm offering the chance to read my novel now that it's still in the process of being written. I will send you the latest chapters, and in return I would ask for some honest feedback - don't worry, you don't have to write a novel in return. I basically just want to know what you think will happen next - and then I'll avoid to take that story line. Predictable novels are boring!
Also, there might be logical errors that I've overlooked in my enthusiasm over writing this story. So, if you want to be a part of this amazing project, comment below or contact me on Twitter and I'll get in touch with you.
Thank you!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Update: Camp Nanowrimo

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After writing about Camp Nanowrimo before it had actually started, here's an update on how I've got on so far. My goal is to reach 50,000 words, the deadline being the last day of July. So far, I've managed to write every day, and my story is developing nicely. Yesterday, I finally crossed the 10,000 words line. To win (i.e. finish the novel on time) I need to write exactly 1,527 words a day, which is considerably less than I've written during the last few days. If everything goes as planned, I might actually finish early, which would of course be great.
I've just started chapter 2 of my fantasy novel, and the story is getting more and more dramatic. Yesterday, I almost pitied my main character for all the bad things she had to go through, but, as they say, it might only make her stronger.

I've installed a word count widget on the right side of this blog and will update it daily.

If you are curious and want to read an excerpt of the novel, just post a comment here or contact me via one of the networks shown in the tabs bar above.

Also, if you know are interested in designing a cover for the finished novel, take a look at this blog entry.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Wettbewerb: Foto für Buchcover

Ich nehme zurzeit an "Camp Nanowrimo" teil, einem internationalen Projekt, bei dem man einen Roman innerhalb eines Monats schreibt. Zwar ist das Buch noch nicht fertig, aber ich würde ihm trotzdem gerne schon einen Cover verpassen. Dafür brauche ich natürlich ein schönes Foto, und schreibe deshalb hier einen kleinen Wettbewerb aus.

Zu Gewinnen gibt es leider nichts, aber falls das Buch irgendwo mal veröffentlicht wird, könnte es auch für die/den Gewinner Tantiemen geben (ich habe schon einmal ein Buch veröffentlicht, was sich momentan auch ganz gut verkauft, hier könnt ihr es euch anschauen.

Jetzt die Details:

Genre: Fantasy
Hauptperson: Eona, eine junge Frau, die sich zwischen Gut und Böse, zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht, zwischen Vertrauen und Misstrauen entscheiden muss
Stichwörter/Ideen: Zeit (sie kann Zeit verlangsamen), Magie, Katzen, halbes Herz, rote Haare, grüne Augen, impulsiv, emotional, stark

Wer mehr Informationen braucht oder auch eine Leseprobe möchte, kann hier einen Kommentar schreiben oder mir eine E-Mail schicken.

Das Schreib-Projekt endet am 31.Juli, daher nehme ich das auch als Deadline.
Die Bilder (ihr könnt natürlich auch mehr als nur eines einreichen) könnt ihr an mich schicken (sabinekurz(AT)

Vielen Dank und viel Glück im Voraus!